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1207 results:
And much more! Lock offers free fruit and fizzy drinks, fun company  events and trips. Our company bicycles, pool vehicles and the option to lease bicycles also promote sustainable mobility.  
Focus on health At Lock, we rely on comprehensive measures to promote the health and well-being of our employees. These include our company doctor, health days, Lola Fit sports programs and a bonus b  
Attractive & fair remuneration From attractive salary to performance-related bonuses, capital-forming benefits and direct insurance - Lock offers you attractive financial benefits.  
Flexible working culture at Lock In our modern working environment, flexibility is not only characterized by working hours and the option of working from home, but also by the targeted promotion of a  
Comfortable atmosphere in the workplace With state-of-the-art workplace equipment, open communication from the management and mutual trust, we not only create a workplace at Lock, but a real feel-goo  
Individual career planning From intensive onboarding with a mentoring concept, support and training programmes to long-term development planning: at Lock, we focus on comprehensive support for your e  
Data processing through social networks We maintain publicly available profiles in social networks. The individual social networks we use can be found below. Social networks such as Facebook, Twi  
Server-log-files The provider of these websites automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files which your browser automatically transmits to us, such as browser type/  
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